I know a friend that applied ED to one of the Ivy Leagues and they also applied Early Action to a private university. They got accepted into the EA university, so I looked up the university, and apparently, it is an REA university that did not specify it clearly. Will their acceptance be revoked if the admissions committee finds out they also applied ED elsewhere?
Hi @jo.star!
How did you figure out it is an REA university if they haven't specified it clearly? I'm not saying you're wrong but if you could give some relevant information, it would be easier to help.
Probably, it really depends on the ED university's guideline. As far as I know, applying ED, for most colleges, means you cannot apply early to any other university. This constitutes a lie in your application, so they would have to revoke IF they found out. I'm not telling you to lie, but the consequences will be bad if the REA university finds out.
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The university is Georgetown and on their website, they never clearly specify REA, but they said you cannot apply to any other binding decisions.