a year ago
Admissions Advice

Final subject selection advice


I’m a freshmen in high school (AS-Level) and our school is making us a choose our subjects once and for all - after which we’ll not be allowed to change/drop!

As someone who wants to pursue a CS major in a top American university, I’ve kept 3 subjects that I consider my ‘core’ subjects. These are Maths, Physics and Computer Sciences. I’ve heard that most schools like MIT only ‘credit’ maths and physics, so those are a must. Apart from that I want to study 1-2 subjects that I personally really like. These are Media Studies and Global Perspectives.

From my extremely comprehensive research, I’ve got mixed feelings about choosing these extra subjects. Some websites/advisers say that students who take a wider variety and a greater quantity of subjects in A-levels are far more preferred candidates- and a lot of people even said to NEVER choose 3 A-levels, atleast 4. But, on the other hand some advisers/professionals say that if you keep 4-5 subjects it shows universities that you have ‘nothing better to do with your time, and are studying all the time’ and some also said that subjects like Media Studies are ‘non-preferred’

Apologies for the extremely long question, I just need some credible advice on what to do, there are sooo many conflicting views on the internet that I simply cannot make a sound conclusion on my subjects. Any answer would be highly appreciated! Thankyou :)


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago

I think that the best choice you could make would be taking the classes you are already thinking of: Math, Physics, Computer Sciences, Media Studies, and Global Perspectives. This is because top American universities want to see that your classes both focus on your major of interest and make you well-rounded at the same time. Taking three STEM classes will showcase your interest in Computer Science, while the other two classes will show that you are not a one-directional applicant. Media Studies will look good on your transcript, and it's worth taking since you will probably enjoy it more than other options.

This choice of classes is also ideal because 4-5 subjects is the idea number to take. Since top American applicants take 4-5 AP classes per year, colleges will want to see you match that level of course rigor. So long as you can handle the academic challenges and commit to strong extracurriculars, you should take a 4-5 course load.

Hope this helps!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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