Ive been wanting an answer to this for so long cause ive been confused on what class you need to take for business and owning your own business.
Hi @Prettygirlnicolee14!
Usually people who start their own business major in business but also a lot of people who didn't major in business started their own business. The thing that really matters is what type of business do you want to open? Of course there are tons of different business fields like: IT, restaurants, hotels, investment firms and so on. In my opinion you should major in whatever you feel good about, it can be computer science, business, physics, psychology and so on.
A lot people who didn't attend college started their own business and became "successful" so it really varies person to person. But if you are really into business stuff like: financing, accounting and entrepreneurship, then you should major in business.
Hope this helps !!
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If i wanted to own my own interior design firm what should i major in?