a year ago
Admissions Advice

Will colleges rescind me?

Hi, my name is Joshua and I am a senior. I am planning to major in CS or Data Science. My grades in first semester were all As except for a D+ in Calc BC. I took some other hard classes in senior year like AP Bio. I tried my best in BC but it was too hard for me. I am planning to switch to AB next semester. My overall high school GPA is 4.21 and I have taken rigorous courses. I applied to some competitive schools and the UCs. Will they rescind me for getting a D+ in Calc BC? I am planning to tell them that I am switching to Calc AB and plan to take BC over the summer again.


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2 answers

a year ago

I think if you are proactive in contacting UC admissions and letting them know you are over your skis with Calc BC and switching back to Calc AB and retaking BC over the summer, they will appreciate your communication. Hopefully, they will also confirm that that is the best course of action for you and not jeopardize your application status. Good luck.

a year ago

Hi @jj9430!

No one can tell you for sure whether colleges will rescind your admission for a D+ in Calc BC. That decision is for the admission officers to make. Your intended major would be the most critical factor for evaluating your D+ in Calc BC. If you're applying for engineering, it will have a more negative impact than it would if you're applying for psychology.

If you've submitted your recent grades (including the D+), you can tell them that you're switching to Calc AB and then plan to take BC over the summer. This shows them that you're willing to improve.

Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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