So I heard that getting good grades is important junior year and you should get your best grades this year and step up your course rigor. Ive taken 3 AP and 4 honors this year compared to last year 2 AP 3 honors but I’ve struggled a lot this year I got straight A’s both semesters of 10th grade but I’ve finished with 2 B’s this year one in AP Physics and AP Lang I was really close to an A but my teacher is a harsh grader who makes the class harder than it has to be. My Weighted went from a 4.4 to a 4.3 I think and my UW went from a 3.8 to a 3.75 and I’ve been really thinking about it. Does this look bad and will it hurt me.
Hi @Swayam_Jain17!
AP Physics is considered one of the hardest (if not the hardest) AP classes, so a B in that isn't bad. For AP Lang I, your teacher was a harsh grader, so you it's not really your fault. It's a good thing that you increased your course rigor compared to last year.The 2 B's aren't a major cause of concern because the effect they had on your GPA is insignificant. It won't hurt you, so stop thinking about it and enjoy your holidays.
Hope this helps!
No, getting a B in an AP course doesn't really affect your stats that bad unless you take into account your unweighted. But colleges actually prefer that you take a challenging course and get a B instead of taking a course that won't be challenging for you and get an easy A. Getting a B in an AP course shows that you can pass a college course with 'above average' as a B means in most cases. The weighed GPA you have is still above a 4.0. Most colleges shouldn't be as worried with your unweighted if it's not super low. Good luck with the rest of your junior year!
Hope this helps!
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