2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I avoid putting undecided for the career interest section on common app?

Should I select a particular career interest even if my ECs don't exactly line up with it? I was originally planning to put undecided but since I am talking about psychology courses in the specific college supplemental and as an intended major, I did not want to seem contradictory or being inconsistent in my application. So the career I am thinking of selecting is ''therapist'' although my ECs don't really align with this and the reason I was thinking of selecting this career in the first place is because of my interest in psychology. I know the career interest section isn't too impactful on our application but I thought it is better to maintain consistency across my application, should I just go with selecting a career interest instead of undecided? I honestly don't know if I am going to pursue this field or major professionally in the future. My main concern is just my ECs not being able to match up if I DO select this specific career interest but I heard it's better to avoid selecting undecided.


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2 answers

2 years ago

I recommend selecting "therapist." Then, you can explain how your ECs relate to your career and major interest in either a "Why X Major" essay or the Additional Information section. For example, if one of your ECs involved art, you could say that you are interested in a career in art therapy. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Applying undecided is not the best choice since your application will usually revolve around your major of choice. But, you can still apply undecided and explain how that specific university will help center your focus based on the resources they offer. And you can say that since your EC's reflect a wide range of interests, you still have not cemented a particular major as of yet. So, applying undecided is not the best but you can work around it.

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