2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How does internships help in college admissions?

Hello there. I’m trying to get into UF, and to do this I am going to try to get an internship at one of two companies: Yomi Robotics and Stryker Robotics. Yomi is solely in the surgical industry from all I know, while Stryker is both in the surgical industry and running a Battlebots team. An alumni from my school is in Stryker and is coming next month to talk to me about the internship, so most likely that will be the one I go to. I’m just wondering how such an internship, especially if long term, will affect my chances. I’d think after leading a robotics team and doing well, moving into an internship at a surgical robotics company and going off on my own and developing my own things colleges would like me but I’d rather just ask here.

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@AlexHopkins2 years ago [edited]

Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work! stumble guys

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi!! An internship at either Yomi Robotics or Stryker Robotics would be a valuable experience and could certainly improve your chances. Working at a robotics company, especially one that is focused on the surgical industry, can give you hands-on experience with real-world projects and technologies, which is highly sought after by colleges.

It can demonstrate your passion for computer science and robotics, as well as your ability to apply your skills in a professional setting.

hope I helped :)

2 years ago

Hi @Uvuv!

Robotics-related extracurriculars such as leading a robotics team and going for internships are great ways to demonstrate a spike in robotics. If you don't know what a spike is, it's a collection of activities that show significant commitment and achievement in a particular field. The internship(s) will surely increase your chances of getting into UF.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hey! Internships look great for college admissions. Not only do they show that you take your education seriously, they also can help you make connections for college and future career advancements. Additionally, if your major can relate to robotics, the experience at your internship will give you a helpful advantage in background knowledge. If not, you can still talk about the lessons you’ve learned/how you’ve evolved at the internship in college supplements. Hope this helps!

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