I was deferred from Georgetown during the Early Action round and since that school is my top choice, I want to send a letter of continued interest. I know that a LOCI should be sent ASAP, but I don't have any new accomplishments since the submission of my application. However, I should have some after I compete in club competitions at the end of February. Should I send my LOCI now or the end of February?
Hi @AngelinaM,
In your case I think it would be best to submit a letter of continued interest as soon as these plans come through. In fact, I might even draft it now so you can send it that much sooner.
The purpose of LOCI is to highlight for the admissions committee how you've grown as an applicant. They know you're still interested in attending, but the letter will emphasize recent accomplishments that they might not notice or appreciate through an initial glance at both applications. That's why you should only really send it if you have improved your application — grades, test scores, and extracurriculars — since you last applied.
However, keep in mind that admissions offices do not make decisions the day before they're released. If you send it too late (I'd say March) you'd risk them being too far along in the decisions process for it to make a difference.
So, I'd wait if you have to but do everything in your power to get those extracurriculars and letter out ASAP. For more tips on writing your letter, check out this blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/deferred-or-waitlisted-tips-for-writing-a-letter-of-continued-interest/
Good luck! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi @AngelinaM!
Since the RD decision date for Georgetown is April 1, there's no harm in submitting the LOCI at the end of February if you're sure you'll achieve something in the club competitions. Giving new information is an important part of a LOCI. In addition to your accomplishments, you should thank the AOs for considering going through your application again and writing a mini Why Us essay.
Hope this helps!
By submitting your acceptance to be on the GT waitlist they already know you want to get into GT. But what they are waiting for is some evidence that your academic and EC narrative has improved for the better. This might be better grades on your transcript or if you are on a trimester calendar, then perhaps your mid-year report for semester 2, better test scores results from SAT or ACT, or some new awards, honors, or scholarships. So it's best to put if off as long as possible not later than the March 1. For all those thinking that submitting a LOCI immediately is best, it's not because you want to give them a reason for looking at your file again and finding something compelling to advocate for you.
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