2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does graduating early effect admission to college?

I am graduating a year early from high school, yay! I have been taking classes from a community college since before I even started high school classes and because of that, I have many more classes than the "bare minimum" unlike many other early grads. I will also graduate with a Theatre Arts Degree for Transfer (associate's degree from a California Community College). I go to a homeschool charter school with little to no extra curricular, however, I am the vice president of a theatre club at the local community college I attend. I plan to major in either theatre or screen acting depending on the college I end up going to (I want to go somewhere in California public/private). Just for the record, I have received A's and A-'s throughout all of my coursework.

What will college apps look like for me in the fall? Does graduating early with my credentials look any more appealing to colleges-- keeping my major in mind?

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Graduating early with your experience will absolutely be a positive for colleges! The only concern that colleges sometimes have about early graduates is whether they are mature enough to make the most out of their college experience. Since you will only be one year younger than your peers, this will not be a concern about you. Instead, graduating early with your Theatre Arts Degree will demonstrate your academic ambition and college readiness. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

I don't think they treat you too differently, rather the expectation is still the same and you are still expected to have that high level of course rigor and grades.

However, with these expectations in mind, I believe that the amount of coursework you've pursued will be viewed as very positive, as it shows the drive that you have to learn.

Ultimately, I think you can't generalize the effects of early graduation, but for you I think it will work quite well.

2 years ago

Hi @Kaelyn!

The fact that you've been taking community college courses before even starting high school, that too, with A's and A-'s throughout, shows your ability to handle rigorous coursework. Colleges will view you as an academically gifted person who fits nicely into the classroom despite entering college with people a year older.

However, your lack of extracurriculars (ECs) is a point of concern because most colleges will be looking for your active involvement outside the classroom. You really can't change that now, but I'm just letting you know that it can reduce your chances. If you didn't have the opportunity to pursue any ECs at school, there certainly would've been options outside school.

Your position as a vice president at the theatre club is impressive since you're applying to a related major and can potentially make up for the lack of other ECs if you gave a lot of time to it.

After filling out your CollegeVine profile, try using the CollegeVine college search tool to find suitable colleges based on your stats.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

It will definitely affect your admission to college, but very positively! It will truly make you stand out that you have additional classes. Ultimately, having a degree in your field is amazing to do at a young age and college admissions will love that. Additionally, you have very good grades which makes you a competitive student. Good luck on your admissions! I am sure you will do great. :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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