a year ago
Admissions Advice

Worried about 3 major things.

1. I am worried about my letters of recommendation. I chose a teacher who knew me for all four years of high school. We had a great relationship, and she watched me improve in academics thought-out high school. However, there have been two moments when she got mad at me for not following directions. But yet she still agreed to write a letter of recommendation for me late in my junior year. Is the letter likely to be passive-aggressive or kind of bad? Teachers always have good intentions when writing a letter, right?

2. I heard that 1 or 2 grammar typos wouldn't make a difference. But I don't have any typos. I have 4-5 minor grammar errors (ex. missed comma, missed hyphen). Would this have any impact?

3. A college asked me what my favorite TV Show was, and I said the Walking Dead because the function of zombies fascinates me. Could this cause a college to deny me since they think my answer is too dark or gore? I didn't say anything alienating or controversial. I just stated facts.


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2 answers

a year ago

Hi @MJ345!

1. Just two instances of the teacher getting mad at you in 4 years is not a big deal. The teacher won't be criticizing you in the letter of recommendation. If she didn't want to help, she wouldn't have agreed to write a letter of recommendation for you in the first place.

2. Grammar mistakes can make you appear careless IF the AOs catch the mistakes.

3. It's really subjective. Depends on the reader. A 50-year-old AO would react differently than a 30-year-old AO. You were honest, so don't think about it too much.

Hope this helps!

a year ago

1. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to your recommendation. Your teacher may not remember those moments when she got mad, and even if she did, that will not mean that she will write anything negative in her recommendation. Teachers always do have good intentions when writing a letter.

2. This will have no impact. Comma and hyphen rules are sometimes subjective, and since admissions officers have to read application essays very quickly, they are unlikely to notice the typos. Only significant misspellings, like writing "couch" instead of "coach," will make a difference.

3. Your answer will not be taken in a negative light. Zombies are indeed a fascinating topic that relates to religion, biology, popular culture, and philosophy. Colleges will only appreciate the uniqueness of your answer and your intellectual curiosity.

Hope this helps!

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