a year ago
Admissions Advice

Supplemental Help/Advice?

I know one of the biggest do not's in the college application process is getting political, however one of the schools I'm applying to is in DC and politics are huge there and the prompt seems to lead heavily into that area or a least the stories I could relate the to prompt do.

The prompt is "The George Washington University encourages students to think critically and to challenge the status quo. Thus, civil discourse is a key characteristic of our community. Describe a time when you engaged others in meaningful dialogue around an issue that was important to you. Did this exchange create change, new perspectives, or deeper relationships?"

Immediately the first instances of this I could think of discussed my opinion on topics like sex and gender, white privilege, economic class, and/or trans women in women's sports. I thought of other potential discussions, but I'm concerned they may give the impression of a cop out especially since the prompt mentions challenging the status quo. I know the supplemental wouldn't center around my opinion and would focus more on the aspect of change the conversation brings, but I would still have to mention my opinion on it and I fear that could impact the decision of whoever is reviewing my application.

(Please don't respond to get political with me in the comments. I just wanted another person's perspective on the overall idea of it, not what I or you have to say about each topic.)


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi @graceee!

It depends on which side of the issue you're taking. If your positions on these topics are more conservative, or if you're describing a conversation that helped you grow from prejudice, it's better to choose a different subject. You don't want to alienate the (probably) liberal admissions officers or portray yourself as bigoted, even if the essay is set in the past.

Otherwise, you should be able to write about these topics without any issues. Just make sure that the examples you choose are ones where both you and the other party gained from the experience. A bitter argument does not indicate civil discourse, and a quick conversion does not indicate growth on your part. For more tips on the George Washington essays (including this one), check out our blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-george-washington-university-essays-2022-2023/

Good luck! Let me know if you have any other questions.

a year ago

Hi @graceee!

"Meaningful dialogue" is the most important part of the prompt. Since this is the prompt you've chosen, you will have to mention your opinion on the topic. I know there is a possibility of a personal bias, but you need to be confident about your stance on an issue (which doesn't have to be a very controversial one) and you need to show your ability to convince another person about what you think while also listening to their views. In the end, both of you should gain something.

Hope this helps!

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