2 years ago
Admissions Advice


So I screwed up my sophmore year first semester… I took math over the summer to accelerate 8th and 9th grade, I audited my 8th because I got a C, but got an A and and B for my 9th grade summer. In 9th grade I got A’s and 3 B’s and my gpa is a 3.7. But this year 9th grade I took challenging courses and my grades dropped, I got 3 C and 1 D and 3 B’s but this semester I also had problems like my father was hospitalized for days and my grandpa passing because of Covid. Will UPenn Wharton count my sophmore year grade as a outlier and will I still be able to get into UPenn Wharton undergrad

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

UPenn may count your sophomore year as an outlier if you earn straight A's in the most rigorous classes possible for the rest of high school. Submitting an SAT score of at least 1500 or an ACT score of at least 34 will also greatly benefit you. Combined this with stellar extracurriculars and essays, and there is a chance that UPenn might accept you if your sophomore year grades are the only weak point in your application. Hope this helps!

a year ago

Your prospects of getting into Penn with C's and D's are practically nil. You may still have a chance if you have excellent Ecs and essays, as well as if you get excellent grades as a freshman, despite the fact that almost everyone who goes into an Ivy League school has straight As or a few Bs. You must demonstrate that when you have the same opportunity as everyone else, i.e. your freshman year, you are academically capable.

2 years ago

Hey there @Lol123!

As an Ivy League, UPenn is incredibly selective and many 'perfect' students (with straight A's) don't get in. Your admission chances also depend a lot on other factors. Are you an international student? Are you part of a minority group? Do you have very strong extarcurricular activities? Circumstances that led to poor grades in a certain semester, such as the death of a family member (which you mentioned)?

With one D, three C's, and three B's, it seems pretty unlikely that you will be accepted into an Ivy League school, such as UPenn. (Although, if some of these classes are honors/AP/IB classes, you can have worse grades and still have a higher chance to acceptance.) A majority Ivy League applicants have, at most, 1-2 B's on their transcripts. UPenn Wharton has an acceptance rate of around 9%, which is very low/competitive. If you want to see an breakdown of your chances of admission, I'd recommend looking at the Chancing Simulator on CollegeVine.

If you continue to progress and get higher grades throughout high school, it may be possible for you to get into Wharton. However, if you've already gotten mostly C's and B's, it seems unlikely that you could turn that around and get straight A's for the rest of high school. The best advice I can give is to keep working to achieve high grades and look on the Chancing Simulator for a breakdown of your chances.

Hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck!

2 years ago

Hey, I will be brutal because I don't wanna give false hopes but with C's and D's your chances of getting into UPenn are almost 0. almost everyone who gets into ivy has almost straight As or a few Bs, but you still might have a chance with stellar Ecs and strong essays and if you can get really good grades for freshman year. Colleges know that sometimes circumstances make it hard for an applicant to focus on studies but you gotta prove that when u have the same opportunity as everyone i.e. your freshman year you have strong academic capabilities. Keep trying though and best of luck!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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