2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Better ECs?

I'm currently a sophomore in highschool and worried about my extracurriculars. I don't have any outstanding awards or leadership positions and am worried that I won't be able to get any now, especially over the people who have been doing these things for longer periods of time. I began swimming last year and joined a handful of clubs this year, however, due to swimming taking up the majority of my free time in the fall season, I've been told that in most clubs I won't be able to receive a leadership role. Are there any activities I could start now and still achieve a higher role in or is it just too late?

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3 answers

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2 years ago

hi, current junior here! it is totally not too late! i was in a similar situation my sophomore year. my involvement wasn't super during freshman year because i attended classes remotely during the pandemic, while other students in my grade went to school in person and played a larger role in clubs. but, as a sophomore, i became more active in a few clubs i was already in, started working hard and making a good impression, and ended up gaining leadership roles that year. also, i've joined some organizations outside of school that meet remotely, which are more flexible in terms of time commitment/meeting times (could be good since you swim) and oftentimes offer leadership roles from the start if they require an application and interview process. whatever your interests are, i'm sure there are groups like these to fit your passions, and if not, you can start something of your own (club, organization, service, research project) that way you can make it fit your own schedule and explore a topic you care about. hope this helps :)

2 years ago

Hey! current senior. peronally going through the application process and seeing results, honestly making your own club/ initiative/ org is the best. because you are in charge and you are making everything at first, its really to ur own pace and what you have time for. it would also be a great thing to shape your applications to, write about in ur essays, etc. overall, it will be a huge commitment, like finding resources and people, but its very rewarding and useful in the college application process, and it would also be a really nice EC.

2 years ago

Try joining clubs like dynamons world to create new and valuable experiences

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SAT: 720 math
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