2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is it inappropriate to include an optional link to a longer essay in your additional information essay?

My academic record isn't the best, and I'm trying to use the additional information section on the Common App to explain why, but I'm struggling with the 650 word limit. I grew up in a really abusive and controlling family that purposely made sure I did bad in school so I could never leave them (along with other really awful things), and I'm now homeless after going no contact with them. I want to explain the impact that had on my schooling, and advocate for myself properly, but I feel like I'm not doing my own situation justice by paraphrasing everything.

Would it be inappropriate to include a link to a longer version of my additional information essay? I would still make sure that the essay directly in the Common App can be read stand alone, so counselors can go without clicking the essay link.

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2 answers

2 years ago

Hi @cowboy!

Admissions officers get about 6-12 min/application on average and it's likely to get lower due to the increase in the number of applications each year. With that in mind, it's barely enough for them to go through your additional information section in detail, let alone any link you put in.

Try to include as much as possible in the additional info section itself. Don't put a link because it's unlikely the admissions officers will bother to go there and even if they do, they'll ignore it if it's too long.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

I am sorry but I think you have to stick to the word limit. My advice would be to reach out to the colleges to further explain your situation.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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