4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What can I do to get into yygs?

Hey I am an international student.

I am planning to attend yygs next summer ie during my senior year. I want to know what type of extracurricular activities I should have and is it compulsory to have any awards?

Can anyone give me some tips regarding essays, ECs, financial aid.

Does applying for financial aid reduce my chances or will it affect my chance?

What can I do to get there?

I want to apply for applied sciences and engineering program.

@ZaraAkpan4 years ago

Hi! Funny I stumbled on this as i'm currently partaking in YYGS these two weeks. In my application I really just wrote about topics i was REALLY passionate about, and I think that showed. This year was pretty tough to get accepted because it's online so they had to reduce participants, so you can trust my advice. I also applied last year and didn't get in, but I think one thing I did between they was a Model UN conference in switzerland, so I think trying to show that you are very open to new

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Manya4 years ago

@ZaraApkan thankyou

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago


I'm quite qualified to answer this as I attended YYAS last year (this is specific to Africans), and I have over six friends who also attended YYAS that were accepted to YYGS this year. I didn't apply to it though because I'm already in senior year, applying to college.

That being said, I don't think you can apply to YYGS in senior year, unless you are in the Southern Hemisphere, i.e you graduate high school in December or November. If that is the case, that's great!


1. Your extracurricular activities can really be anything meaningful, as long as you've shown depth, growth, and leadership ability. I had started a club in my school, was Head Boy, and was president on another club. I had also led multiple teams in multiple innovation challenges. You could be a violinist, a choir member, a tennis player, anything really. You could even be a babysitter. Just ensure your activity shows depth.

And if you don't have time for extracurriculars because of house work, just say so. Extracurriculars should show focus, love, depth, and leadership, alongside cooperation with others.

2. I believe awards are nice, because they show that you've invested in yourself enough to be recognized. But, if you happen not to have any, don't let it daunt you. Apply. Focus on essays and other parts of your application. Get great recommendation letters. It could help level the field for you.

And ask yourself: do you truly have no awards? The slightest things could actually count!

3. For essays, I say this and I echo it: you must tell a vivid story showing personal development in an authentic voice. Your essay must be something no one else could write. It must be beautiful. I urge you to spend at least a month writing and rewriting it. There's no other way to guarantee flawlessness. And you could ask people to review and review. Get writing from websites. Tweak it until every word matters and every sentence strikes.

4. I believe applying for financial aid does not affect you in any way, but you could email them about this.

5. Make sure your love of science and engineering shines through in every component. I wish you good luck!

4 years ago

Hi! Funny I stumbled on this as i'm currently partaking in YYGS these two weeks. In my application I really just wrote about topics i was REALLY passionate about, and I think that showed. This year was pretty tough to get accepted because it's online so they had to reduce participants, so you can trust my advice. I also applied last year and didn't get in, but I think one thing I did between they was a Model UN conference in switzerland, so I think trying to show that you are very open to new people and ideas because thats really what it's about.

The essay questions are pretty specific but just do what you can, YYGS isnt as selective as Yale itself so you don't have to bend over trying.

YYGS this year had many kids who DID apply for financial aid, but also i applied for financial aid the previous and wasn't accepted into the program, and this year i didnt apply but I WAS accepted, so it may be something they consider and if they were need blind they would brag about, and they don't. My EC's were just random things i was doing, a fashion blog and fashion club and others.

So if you want to apply for financial aid make sure your application is solid. Show that you want to change the world sand have a passion (YYGS in particular loves that) and pick a session based on your passions that you can show in your essay about something that shaped you ( I write about my mom), and for my why would I be a good fit for the program and how i would impact others i wrote about being a diverse person in terms of travelling. Both could be considered cliche, but this isn't actual college admissions.

Anyway Goodluck! And reply under this post with any questions. Also please accept my answer thanks!

4 years ago


Regarding financial aid i have been told that Yale is one of the few universities that does not consider your financial status in your application.

The best advice i can give you about Extracurriculars is to do things you really enjoy doing and to show a deep interest in them. Also something that relates to your major will be very helpful.

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