2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurriculars and sat

I am an international student who is planning on taking the sat or the act in fall of this year.

I am from Nigeria and have a class rank of 2/102,should I take the sat or the act.

And I don't have any extracurricular apart from cubing and a few hobbies,and I want to start writing.i am also interested in programming and dancing. Please can anyone suggest any extracurriculars for me. Do I need APs and IBs?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

For SAT and ACT, I recommend trying some online practice tests to see which exam you're more comfortable with (Khan Academy has SAT prep and practice tests, not sure about the ACT). Since you're doing exams from a country that has a different education system, it might take some adjusting to get used to the content and format of standardised tests. Also, plan to take the exam AT LEAST TWICE. That is advice I will give any student but especially internationals. Universities superscore (aka take the highest Math and highest English from all the exams you do) so always plan for a second test and make sure you work on your weak areas after you receive your score breakdown (this is based on the SAT, not sure how the ACT reports scores).

You don't need APs and IBs if you're in a different school system, universities know that not every school offers them and it would be unfair to expect you to self-study them on top of your school system. If your school DOES offer AP or IB, though, it is a good idea to take them and do as many courses as possible without compromising your grades and keeping time for other activities. Universities want to see you taking advantage of the courses your school offers- basically, take the hardest or highest-level classes available to you.

I've already responded to your other post about ECs.

2 years ago

Hi @MayokunAde

Since this post has an answer we'll keep it up, but in the future please refrain from posting duplicate posts.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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