2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How Do Retake Classes or Additional Online Classes Look on a Transcript?

I got horrible grades in my freshman year, and recieved a C last semester in AP Calc. If I were to retake those classes online, and recieve a higher grade, how would that look to the admissions officers? Additionally, what if I take extra classes (classes I haven't took before). Will this add to my overall GPA? Will this help my application? Thank you so much in advance!


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Retaking the classes online and earning a higher grade will look better than a C on your transcript. Taking extra classes, so long as you can handle the increased rigor, will also help your application by boosting your weighted and unweighted GPA. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Since Calculus is considered a core math class for competitive colleges, I recommend that you either re-take it at your school or take a college calculus course online. One option is outlier.org which is a self-paced MOOC with about 15-20 offerings. I took Calculus and found it much easier to follow along compared to sitting in a classroom and doing problem sets. You get to choose the learning format from videos either pen/pencial lessons, black board lessons, or tablet interactive lessons, all taught by MIT level professors. If you don't pass, you get your money back. If you do pass you get 3 college credits and a letter grade from UPittsburgh which you can use as transfer credits into the college of your choice. I would have struggled to get a B+ in Calc AB/BC but got a solid 94.5 taking Intro to Calc this way. The official course catalog name is Math 6210 at UPitt. https://www.coursehero.com/file/76937272/MATH-6210-Outlier-Syllabus-Fall-2020-Regular-Term-14-wkpdf/ https://www.outlier.org/products/calculus-i

2 years ago

Hey! Does your school offer summer school for credits? because if they do, you can most likely switch that AP calc grade out. Or, you can try to explain why you got this grade in your college apps (mental health, other problems.) GPA rising can be done by taking AP courses (since they add more weight) and yes, most likely it will help you application. You can choose what best works for you and it also depends on the college you want to go to. Try to talk to your counselor about retaking a course. Also, amazing job! taking AP calc in freshmen year is AMAZING.

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SAT: 720 math
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