4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I write my hobbies effectively on Common App?

Hi! I am a rising senior of the Class of 2021, and college applications are coming up. My main question is how do I effectively write down a hobby on the Common App activities section? I have been in photography for a while now, and I absolutely love it. I have an instagram account (@picturesbyjuliann go check it out!) that I just recently started but I am taking other peoples pictures for $$, so it is like a side hustle and a passion project. A few of the pictures I have taken have ended up in the yearbook. I also am starting to enter photography competitions. I know that this is good to show that I have a passion outside of school, but I am not exactly sure how to word it. No title for the activities section of the Common App falls under the "passion/hobby" category, unless you count Art as that title. I am not sure how to word it to ensure that I can show that I just do not take pictures on my iPhone, but that I have a serious passion for photography through my Canon. Also, if you have any tips on how to strengthen this part of my application that would be awesome!

Thank you in advance!!! :)

edit: got into UF and now i’m about to be a junior. just remembered that this site existed and wanted to give it its credit. Love College Vine! Thank you!


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3 answers

4 years ago

So I’m having trouble if it’s a buisness as a side project or if it is a hobby.

In case of a hobby for non art based majors as they require a portfolio you’d write about what you accomplished your expierence and if you are part of any club/organization the leadership you’ve shown. Assuming you are using the CommonApp and have only 150 charecters try to quantify it such as hired for x photoshoots or got x photos in yearbook/paper. No one really presumes photographers to actually have an iPhone so there is no direct need to say it. There are looking at pure accomplishments/accolades you have received.

Comment if you need clarification.

a year ago

Writing about your hobbies on the Common App can be an effective way to showcase your personality and interests to potential colleges. The key to writing about your hobbies effectively is to be specific and genuine, rather than simply listing generic activities like "reading" or "watching TV." Instead, focus on the details of what you enjoy doing and why it matters to you. For example, if you are passionate about photography, describe how you love capturing unique perspectives and moments that others might not notice. You might also mention any awards or recognition you've received for your hobby, as well as any related clubs or organizations you participate in. Overall, keep it honest and personable – admissions officers want to see the real you shining through!

4 years ago

I think a huge part of this question rests on what you are majoring in.

I understand you want to show that you are well rounded and dedicated. I would focus on the accomplishments you got through this passion project. (How many people signed up with you, even lessons you've learned through this experience)

I apologize for not having a direct answer but I think asking the following questions about your topic will help you:

- How much time have I dedicated myself to this passion?

- How did I try to extend it beyond just a hobby?

- What lessons did I learn from this?

- Am I expanding/continuing on this passion in college?

(If you are tight on words pick keywords that you see popping up a lot in your answers- that's the strongest outcome of this passion)

Best of luck!

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