2 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I fail one quarter completely my sophomore year will I still be able to get into college.

I’m a sophomore in high school and I have a heart condition that makes me pass out constantly. At the beginning/middle of this quarter I was not yet diagnosed and was having episodes 3-4 times a week. It wasn’t exactly safe for me to go to school and I tried my best to get all the work in however the material or assignment instructions were difficult considering I wasn’t in class. Now it’s the end of the quarter and Ive tried to get my grades up but the only few good ones that I have are a 96 in AP World, 80 in chemistry honors, 80 in health science honors, and 94.6 in English 3 honors (trying to graduate early). The other 4 classes are 45-60’s and I’m normally a straight A student. Will I still be able to get into a decent college? I have 4 extracurriculars, 250 service hours, 1520 SAT, 34 ACT, I live in state and I’m aiming for UNC or Wake Forest even though they’re probably unrealistic for me now. Can I explain my situation to admissions officers? I’m really freaking out over this, I’ve worked my whole life to be where I was and now I’m like this and i feel like Im a failure.

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4 answers

2 years ago

As the saying goes, "if you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up.” My point in saying that is not to say you are at rock bottom, that certainly is not true. The fact that you are here asking about how to improve proves that. Rather, my point is that you shouldn't view this as a weight on your shoulders that you have to surmount. It is pretty commonly known that admissions officers understand that A) you are only in your Sophomore year and a lot can change from Sophomore year to when you apply (that's almost 2 years from now!), and, B) life happens, complications arise, and we sometimes aren't in control of what happens to us. Don't forget the fact that you have a whole year or two of grades to prove what you are REALLY made of. As well, I think what would be far more impressive to me, if I were reading applications, is that you kept your vigor, academic dedication, and commitment to your future through such a painful and challenging event. If you take the time to explain how deeply your medical condition has affected you in your additional information essay (or possibly your common app essay, if it affected you that significantly), I think you have an equally high chance of admissions anywhere.

Finally, you are not a failure. You have 250 service hours just in the first two years of high school. You have a 1520 ACT. A 96 in an AP class. You have survived and keep your passion, courage, and ambitions alive through a torturous medical experience. I would like to emphasize that any of these accomplishments on their own is enough to make a successful teenager. But, you did all four of those and I'm sure so much more. You've done so much already, so just because you aren't reaching your goals academically, doesn't mean you ARE a failure. Sure, maybe you failed at that one goal, but you've achieved so much aside from that.

2 years ago

Don't feel like a failure! Your accomplishments are incredibly impressive for your age, and you're only in tenth grade. Colleges don't consider your sophomore grades nearly as much as your later grades, and if you get all/mostly As in your junior and senior year that will show growth! I would also definitely include this in any supplemental essays about personal growth or unique experiences/perspectives you have (especially if you are planning on going into something medicine-related!) I would also explain the situation in your "Additional Information" section on your CommonApp.

All in all, I'm sure you'll be fine! Your story can be really powerful in a good supplemental, and your other stats are great. I hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hi @n52307g,

Considering you're a sophomore, it won't be that big deal since you are getting bad grades due to a health condition. When writing college essays in the future you can explain your situation in those essay so that the college admission officer understands why you are struggling in school.

And also you are trying your best and don't give up on your dreams.

I hope you get better and good luck.

2 years ago

As others have said, you will be able to get into college and you are not a failure! Colleges will take your heart condition into consideration if you explain it in your Additional Information section or essays. So long as you try your best to get good grades going forward, you will be just fine.

Your high SAT and ACT scores, along with potentially graduating early, all show that you are an ambitious learner who is ready for college-level academics. Those few bad grades on your transcript will be clearly seen as anomalies caused by your circumstances. Your extracurriculars, along with essays and teacher recommendations, can all compensate for grades that are not the best as well.

Hope this helps!

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