a year ago
Admissions Advice

Should I join NSHSS?

I recently received an invitation to join the National Society of High School Scholars, or NSHSS. I had never heard of them before, and there's a $90 membership fee, so I wanted to know if anybody knew if joining was worth the money. I don't think I'm going to, but I wanted to see if anybody had anything good to say about joining before I made a decision.

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a year ago

Some people suggested you join NHS, I wanted to add that if your school doesn't have an NHS chapter you should look into subject-specific honor societies! At my school, most just have a service hour and grade requirement, I easily got into 4-5 just by filling out forms, although they were $20 each for membership.

🎤a year ago

I tried looking up my school on the NHS website, and nothing showed up, but I feel like I know people who are in it? Maybe they're in the subject-specific ones, like you said. I think you have to the a sophomore though, and I'm a freshman? At least from what I could tell from their website. I'll ask my counselor, I guess. Thanks for your reply!


a year ago

I don't think you should. My dad told me that was a scam too, so be very very careful about who you find online. Just join NHS, especially since it is free and much more well known that NSHSS. Plus there are scholarships you can get just for being in NHS

🎤a year ago

Yeah, I don't know how they even got my address? But I definitely won't join, thank you for your response.


a year ago

Wait, it's $90 now??? It was $75 last year.

I agree with @flora about joining NHS instead.

🎤a year ago

Lol they're making it more expensive by the year I guess.


a year ago

I wouldn't recommend that, since NHS is considered to be more prestigious than NSHSS. They basically have the same basic idea of community service, but NHS is more selective as it recruits members based on a certain GPA. It is never a good idea to join honor societies with such high membership fees loll

🎤a year ago

Okay, thank you so much for your response!


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