a year ago
Admissions Advice

Should I address this poor grade?


So, basically they will encounter a grade 5 in sociology on my final grades. and in my school that would be like a D, but I was a straight A student, you will rarely find a B or a C in my high school report, I would like to address this poor grade + the whole sociology academic year, which started with a lack of a teacher throughout the second semester. (2019)

From August to December, my classmates and I would sit in class and wait for the teacher to arrive, after a while, we had given up, the school didn’t have enough qualified teachers for said subject.

Later on, a teacher was assigned (January, 2020), but since the pandemic started, they failed to give us any assignments through the google classroom app, and when questioned, they barely answered emails or messages. It was only on the second semester that we were given any content. I knew the lack of assignments during the first semester would affect my grades, which is why I made sure to put extra effort in the subject and have it delivered in time.

When my grades came out, the following characters appeared on my report:

1st quarter: -

2nd quarter: -

3rd quarter: 5

4th quarter: 8

I could not understand why there was a 5 on my 3rd quarter, like said before, I made sure to spend more hours studying the subject during that period, I was unable to go talk to a supervisor at school due to the pandemic, so I emailed and messaged the teacher through the google classroom app, as well as I emailed, called and messaged the school on social media, and yet, I have not received an answer.

At the end of the year, my report stayed the same, when my final grades came out, there was a 5 in sociology, which once again, I couldn’t understand, since the average between 5+8 would be a 6,5, I attempted on contacting the teacher again and failed.

I was thinking about using the “Do you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application?“ space to explain this, what do you think?

@KayPink2a year ago

This is something you really need to address. This is crucial to your application and can really explain a lot to admission officers. Plus, statistics have shown that unreliable teachers like this, can really, really lower a student's grade as it truly does hinder their performance. So yeah, don't hesitate to mention it!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@JuliaSalgadoa year ago

Okay, Thank you!

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2 answers

a year ago

As others have said, you should definitely explain this circumstance in the Additional Information section. Keep trying to talk about this issue with your school in the meantime - perhaps they could fix it before you have to explain it to colleges. Hope this helps!

a year ago

Hi @JuliaSalgado!

You should address it.

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