a year ago
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What is AP Art History?

hi, next year i plan to take ap art history andone of my friends has warned me away from it. i wanna take it but im unsure of what a class period will look like. i understand that for the ap youll have to memorize differnt details for about 200 paintings. what should i do to prepare for the ap? what is a day to day class like?

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@KayPink2a year ago

Hi, I've taken AP Art History and it was the easiest AP class out of the 7-8 AP classes I've taken. I got a 3 easily without studying before the test, and if I did study, I probably would have gotten a 4 or a 5. Depending on the teacher, the average class period may be different, but for me, a class period consisted mainly of lectures, but it was pretty interesting as there is always a story behind an artwork, and my classmates' discussions were very hilarious at times.

@KayPink2a year ago

You do not need to memorize every artwork, but you do need to know a good amount of them. For most, all you need to know is the names, artists/culture, time periods (not specific dates), and materals used. You need to know the art style themse within typical art periods (like Romanticism focused on idealism and nature). Khan Academy is a great resource for info as it has all 250 works listed in easy read format. I hope this helps, let me know if there is anything else I can help with!

@floraa year ago

Are the tests hard? Did you get a lot of homework in that class?

@KayPink2a year ago

The tests were rather easy and simplistic. AP art history is very essay based tho, which works in your favor as most essays ask you to just name one artwork that shows or are from a specific theme, culture, or time period, and you have 250 works to choose from, so it's pretty nice bc they don't tell you which one to choose. Some essays give you a picture of artwork and just ask you to describe what the artwork looks like, which is really easy. For me, I got barely any homework outside of class.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hey there @BaileyLaGuardia!

I haven't taken AP Art History yet, but I'm planning to my senior year. My advisor (homeroom teacher) teaches the class, so I've picked up a little bit about it. From what I understand, it's a history class focused on comparing and analyzing art from different time periods and places. It allows students to observe art from a different perspective than they might otherwise, and it also ties in elements of historical events, traditions, and religions. It seems like a super interesting class, and if you're interested in history, art, or art conservation, then I recommend taking it. I think there's a textbook for the class, and tests in the class consist of images of art that students must compare to others using a set of a few vocabulary words. I would suggest taking the course, and don't worry about what your friend says! There's no need to start preparing for it yet, but I'm sure you can talk to whoever teaches the class about possibly enrolling in it next year if you want more information.

Good luck!

a year ago

Lots and lots of memorization. There's a list of 250 or so works that you'll be tested on, so study that. All in all though, it's a pretty fun class.

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