Good evening, I'm a Sophomore and just finished my first semester. Freshman year went really well for me, earning only one B with a very heavy course load. However, this first semester of Sophomore year of high school didn't go too well, where I got a C in AP Comp Sci A and 3 other B's, all in Honors or AP classes. I'm not sure if this has shot my chances at going to an elite university, what do you guys think?
As long as you show progress via an upward grade trend, you should be fine. Try to get all "A"s during sophomore and junior year. Try to get that unweighted GPA up also by doing more APs. You got this!
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I won't say that it's impossible to go to an elite university with those grades, but It will be harder to stand out among all the other students applying.
However, why do you specifically want to go to an elite school when there are lots of other smaller schools that give just as good an education?