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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is this b a deal breaker?

I finally got my transcript and received all As in every class except Honors Algebra 2.

I got an 85. Is this a deal breaker? Am I out of contention for top 20s like harvard and stanford completely?

With sadness,


@marie.lor162 years ago [edited]

Having a couple of Bs on your transcript can still get you into a really good school, so I don't think one B would ruin your chances at a top 20 school, the rest of you academic profile makes a difference too, so if yours is really good I can't see why one B would ruin your chances.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago


This B might be a deal breaker, or it might not be, but either way, it is over and done with. My best advice is to keep trying your best. Is there something you can work on to better your grade next time? Are there other Honors classes you can take to continue bettering your chances? Sometimes you just have to come to terms with the fact that it is over, and that the B will exist and be present. But you can't let it overrun you, don't stop trying just because of one B! I have faith that you can still get into an amazing college! So have faith in yourself and keep doing the only thing you can, your best.

Much luck,


2 years ago

Hi @keeks!

There is nothing wrong with getting a B. An all-A transcript is not a prerequisite for getting into T20s. That is definitely not the reason why Harvard or any other college would reject you. If you had an A in the same class, that wouldn't be the reason why Harvard would accept you. There are many other factors in your application that will impact the admissions decision. Don't think about the B too much and don't get discouraged by it. Move on. Continue with honors and AP courses if offered to you. You still have a good amount of time left to enhance your academic and extracurricular profiles.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

It absolutely isn't. Colleges do love to work holistically in applications - they aren't lying to you. A solid B in a weighed course isn't the most ideal, and certainly for a student who comes from a no-hook background might consider it a blemish, but it really does depend on your entire profile. My best advice: grind it out next semester AND GET INVOLVED EARLY WITH CLUBS YOU ENJOY.

With love,

Big man

2 years ago

As others have said, your B will not be a deal breaker. You can still earn a high GPA even if you have a few B's on your transcript every year.

Only C's can seriously hurt your GPA or stand out in a negative way on your transcript. Even then, students who have earned a C before still get accepted to top schools because college admissions is a holistic process. Great essays, teacher recommendations, extracurriculars, and test scores can all compensate for grades that are not perfect.

Hope this helps!

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