2 years ago
Admissions Advice


Is it important to take AP classes that align with your major I know you Shoshone but is it overly important because I’m going into business most likely but have take AP calc and not Ap stats or Ap economics because our school does not offer it.


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4 answers

2 years ago

I would take the ap classes that are available and that you are interested in. I have taken ap economics because i needed the credit, not because i want to go into business. i do like the class, but i think id enjoy it more if i was more interested in business. if business related classes are offered, take them! you can see if you are really interested in business because you are more than likely to have to take those classes in college, so why not try to get the credit now. i know courseload can be a lot, but it can save you time and money in the future!

2 years ago

it would definitely help taking AP's but it is not a requirement. It is ultimately your decision.

2 years ago

The school looks at you holistically. If you can demonstrate your interest in business another way, such as through ECs, then great. If your school doesn't offer a specific class, the school won't hold that against you. If they do offer it and everyone else who wants to apply as a business major has the same grades but they take the AP class, it would put you at a disadvantage.

2 years ago[edited]

On average college students change their major three times prior to graduating. Therefore, all AOs are aware that declaring a major on your common app is just a placeholder.

Since you are interested in business, you already know that most business programs have about 10-20 majors like accounting, statistics, marketing, data analytics, and finance.

While it shows initiative to take Stats or Econ in HS, it's not a requirement for any business school. It's perfectly acceptable to take Stats or Micro/Macro as an undergrad business major. On the other hand, most people would say AP Calc serves as a core requirement at many universities regardless of your major. So it's more of a versatile core class. Whether you are in the engineering school or CS or architecture school, all these programs require Calculus.

Unless you are going to be a finance major or study quantitative analysis so you can become a quant trader, you are not going to use Calculus in any of those other business majors.

Personally, your ECs are more important to show evidence of your business acumen and spike narrative than how your APs align with a business degree.

Good luck.

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