I'm a junior who's planning out my schedule for my senior year. Right now I'm taking 3 AP's, an IB, and regular required classes. For next year's schedule I have planned to take 2 regular required classes and 2 AP classes that I want to take. I have 2 more classes left on my schedule, here are my options that I would consider doing:
- AP math and IB class: both of these classes will definitely be time consuming and give me a heavy workload, but I also think that the rigor will help me when I go to college. However, I'm worried that I will get a C in the AP math class because I'm not doing too great in math this year.
- 2 classes full of electives: I think I would try to do 2 or 3 career related electives such as marketing and computer programming to see if I'm interested, but also electives are overall a gpa boost. They would guarantee me A's, and with the schedule I have lined up, have a chance to have all A's in a semester. However, they are electives, and there are 35 AP + IB classes available at my school, so it would show that I didn't want to do that.
- dual enrollment: I know it's not as rigorous as AP/IB classes, but it's a college level class. Also, it'll give me more of a chance to see what college is like ahead of time. I have the space to take 4 community college classes, but I might also take 2 community college classes and take one of the above options as my last class
I would like to add that I did get a C in an AP class and 5 A's this past semester, and I currently have a 3.75 gpa. Thank you to everyone who has read this, I know it's a lot but I'm so stressed !
Hi @dancer2309!
Course rigor is really important, so taking electives for easy A's won't be the best option.
Which AP math class are you going to take? Out of 35 AP+IB classes, is that the only one that you found for this year?
Who told you dual enrollment classes aren't considered as rigorous as AP and IB classes? If you can take 4 community college classes instead of 1 AP & 1IB and still get good grades, that will be the best choice.
Hope this helps alleviate a bit of stress!
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Hi! The math is AP calc ab, but I might get a c in honors pre-calc. I could also take AP stats. They are both hard classes that will show rigor, however my gpa might go down from them. As for dual enrollment, my school doesn't talk about it much so I thought it wasn't as good to show colleges, but I guess people are too busy taking all the AP's we have. I think getting the guaranteed credits at cc will help, but im scared of not having the senior experience bc id only be in school 3/6 hours