2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Community college classes

Does anyone know if taking community college classes during the summer and only taking one or two classes in high school in my senior year hinders my chances of going to a top-tier university? Thanks!

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I definitely suggest taking a couple community college classes during the summer that way they will show up on your transcript/SRAR (self reported academic record) and not just your fall schedule on your initial application to a university. Take another one or two dual enrollment classes and other rigorous courses fall of senior year to show the college that you are passionate about education. It is ok to take standard level courses too if you feel overwhelmed. I hoped this helped.

2 years ago

A1. Community College courses if they show evidence of intellectual curiosity or vitality always help your academic narrative. So if you are interested in astronomy and and take a course on astronomy, that shows you are challenging yourself to learn things outside of the classroom. Take a pottery class, or auto mechanics might be interesting to you but they in themselves do not help you unless you are going to major in Pottery or Mechanical engineering.

A2. Limiting your course schedule during senior year to 1 or 2 classes is a huge mistake if your goal is to apply to top tier colleges. Since top tier college admissions is NOT a meritocracy based on your completing your HS requirements but rather how outstanding you are in a huge pool of other highly qualified applicants, applying and challenging yourself during senior year is paramount to your chances of success. You already know that other students at your school or district who are applying to top tier schools will be honing their ECs, sharpening their GPAs, improving their AP/IB course rigor, grinding for SAT/ACT and AP/IB tests, improving their leadership positions in student govt, sports, various student councils, clubs and newspaper, journals and various teams. So if you only put in 1 or 2 hours a day a school, you better be working on a Nobel or Fields medal prestige project for any T20 to understand your rationale.

2 years ago

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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