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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Transcript Grades

I was looking at my transcript and I looked at my grades from 10th grade. In two of my standard classes, my semester grades were over 100 because I did extra credit even when I didn't need to.

I had a 111 in one class in the second semester and a 101 in another class.

The yearly grade was still 100 because you can't get a grade higher than 100 in a standard class, but I was wondering if having that will affect my college acceptation. What if they think it's a typo or something and don't trust my transcript? What if I get rejected over that?

@jefrarissomon2 years ago

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@royclerk2 years ago [edited]

Yeah... I had a similar problem when I was at university...Once I failed my exam because I didn’t have time to get ready for it, I was so busy with work. My overall score was 100, which is not enough. Now 6 years later it sound funny for me. I've got a high paying job and can effort playing in low deposit casino to relax after work or to entertain myself

@miadreamera year ago

No worries, universities acknowledge the diversity in grading systems, including those with a maximum score of 100. They are well-versed in the variations of grading policies. Your exceptional grades are unlikely to have an adverse effect on your college acceptance. Keep in mind that your academic excellence is an advantage, similar to discovering a trustworthy low deposit casino

@alex_gg11 months ago

No worry, you will not be rejected by that, it is full ok. Your 100 score is enough to make it. You will enter next level and you can also create some great projects in the future. My example is!

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Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey there!

I'm not exactly sure how this would appear on your transcript, but at my school I think they only show the letter grades (A, A-, B+, etc.) and unweighted GPAs on report cards. Anything above a 100 would be an A and a 4.0, and if the end of the year grade will be a 100, you don't need to worry about anything. I highly doubt that you will be rejected for having grades above 100, and I also think it's a possibility that colleges won't even see that you got a 111, they'll just see that you got an A in that class.

Again, I'm not really sure, so you can ask a teacher/counselor for a more concrete answer!

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