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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is it possible to get a 3.8 by the end of my senior year?

I’m in my second semester of Sophomore year and I currently have a 3.32 GPA. My first semester of 10th was really bad due to some personal stuff that’s happened. I plan on trying my best from now till I graduate to make all A’s and I’m wondering if it’s possible to achieve a 3.8, and if not what’s the GPA I can get. I currently take 3 honors courses and 1 AP class. I plan on continuing to take honors and AP classes for the rest of my high school career. I really want to go to USC so a 3.8 is my goal!

@Arrington2 years ago

It would be difficult, but luckily you are can explain to colleges why you had lower grades during certain years. It can make them sway. If you want to get into USC you should do extracurriculars that will ma You noticeable to collages and try to get your gpa up as much as possible. I would taking a couple honors classes or APs if possible. Collages also look at how hard the classes were. If it isn’t possible that isn’t the end of the world. Just remember there are so many options out there.

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1 answer

2 years ago

It would be difficult, but luckily you are can explain to colleges why you had lower grades during certain years. It can make them sway. If you want to get into USC you should do extracurriculars that will ma You noticeable to collages and try to get your gpa up as much as possible. I would taking a couple honors classes or APs if possible. Collages also look at how hard the classes were. If it isn’t possible that isn’t the end of the world. Just remember there are so many options out there.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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