a year ago
Admissions Advice

Is an EC theme reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly that important?

I have 3/4 main interests.

My ECs reflect these through personal projects and competitions, along with some awards I've gotten. But some people say having an EC theme is crucial.

Am I at a disadvantage?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Let me preface this by saying I am just some guy that has applied to college and watched a lot of videos about the college application process and what colleges look for.

That said, as far as I can tell, it kind of depends on the college. I would look into the specific colleges you are interested in and try to get a sense or ask them if they prefer students to have narrow focuses on specific interests. However, generally, I wouldn't classify having an EC theme as being "crucial", and I don't think it really puts you at much of a disadvantage if you don't.

Honestly, just do what interests you. Trying to do what colleges "want" is pretty much impossible to figure out and is going to cause you unnecessary misery. And generally, they want you to be genuine anyway, so do things that you are passionate about.

a year ago

It's great to have a variety of interests. Colleges want to see well-rounded applicants, and admissions officers can tell if you're trying to show them what they want to see or if you're doing what you want. Do what you want. Colleges also want to see long-term commitment. What you're doing is fine- having multiple interests is fantastic!

a year ago

What colleges usually look for as an applicant is an overall theme of dedication or hard work.

If you are the type of applicant who can see significant progress in a short time, then including many different ECs is important to defining you as a student, and you should do that. On the other hand, If you are really passionate about a cause, or subject within your ECs there should be a consistent theme. (also if they align with the theme of your common AP essay.)

It also depends on the culture of the school you're applying to, and what major you are applying for. It makes a difference if you have worked extremely hard in one field or subject and you are applying for a major with similar attributes. (For example: if I was applying for an engineering degree, and I have won awards for my skills in STEM and robotics.)

My biggest piece of advice for ECs is to display things that you are proud of, and things that you think make you unique/stand out. Because from my experience most application reviewers want to see your traits and personality shine, not something 50,000 others have all done.

To answer your question, you are most likely not at a disadvantage. ECs are simply a way for the panel to see what experience inspires you to apply to their programs.

Best of luck 👍


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