a year ago
Admissions Advice

Unique admission essays

I need to write about a challenge and how it helped me grow for my admission essay.

I had few topics in my mind like


time management

team work

but then was told they are repetitive and boring topics.

What can be some unique ideas to help my essay stand out.

Best Regards,

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@MarvinWilliamsa year ago

There are many essay database websites where you can find examples for inspiration. For example, https://essays.studymoose.com/write-my-paper-for-me is one of the good options, I used it more than once. I do not call you to copy-paste, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the different options. Good luck!

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3 answers

a year ago

I think every student is faced with the question: "Which topic to choose?". You must feel the topic in which you can open. Don't be afraid to ask for help. When I was writing my dissertation, I was faced with a huge selection of literature and research. Which one to choose? Had to seek help from www.essayshark.com write a dissertation for you. I was directed in the right direction, prompted. If necessary, they will guide you throughout the project.

a year ago

There's a few ways to consider going about this. The first is, which of these topics you have listed have you felt you have really grown from and feels really impactful to who you are now as a person. Take the time you need to really think about this and determine whether they are really the topic you want to write about. They might be. Your struggle is not the same as someone else's and if you've had particular growth with who you are as a person and a student, they might be worth talking about.

The other consideration is maybe they now don't feel as impactful. The answer to this essay does not have to be something as big as anxiety. Maybe it's a particularly difficult class you struggled with, a project you had difficulty on, working with a difficult individual. Don't be afraid to sit with and think about areas of your life that have been tough (no matter how big or small) and think about what challenges you had with that, what you did about it, and how you are past that.

It's not about how unique and different your topic is, but rather where can you really showcase who you are as a person and the journey you have had.

a year ago

I cannot really help you find these unique ideas you are talking about since I am facing the same issue on a similar prompt. Furthermore such topics should really be personnal and not from some stranger like me on the internet. What I can say is that yes these topics are very common however I think that it's not all about the topic you choose to write your essay on but more on how did you overcame these challenges and the personal growth that ensued. If I were you I would probably write it about either time management or team work.

Good luck for your application,

Best regards.

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