2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How should I build a college list?

I’m a current junior and I have been researching a ton on how to get into schools but I’m still unsure on where to apply. So far I’m looking at Notre Dame, BC, BU, and Northeastern as my reaches and IU and U of I as safeties.

Some info that you might need:

I’m planning to study business of some sort. (Finance/Real estate likely)

Currently I have a 3.6 UW on a 4 scale or a 4.3 W but it’s looking likely I will end high school with a 3.8 UW and a 4.4-4.5 W.

I have taken 10 honors classes and will have taken around 10 AP classes by end of high school.

I play two sports (hockey and lacrosse), was double rostered for lacrosses last year and was a jv captain. I have been jv captain for hockey my sophomore and junior year. Played both sports for 3 years at high school.

Im involved heavily in clubs and activities: investment club, French club, student council, model UN, etc.

I also attended a summer program at Notre Dame last year but it wasn’t one I needed to apply for. This year I’m applying to both Notre Dame Leadership Seminars (very selective) and Notre Dame Summer Scholars (selective but not as much).

As for test scores I’ve only taken ACT once without studying but I’m taking it again in February (this time with studying through a tutor/course).

I’m taking the SAT in March as well.

Notre Dame is my dream school but I also really enjoyed Boston when I visited so those Boston schools are up there on my where to go list. Not quite sure if I will get into any of them though because as of my current gpa it’s not looking likely. (Obviously could change because I see myself growing gpa and grade wise this year and start of senior year)

Thank you and please let me know!


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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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