2 years ago
Admissions Advice

how can i maximize my chances to get into GW

im currently a sophomore.

my school is built weird and basically i have a total of 16 classes (from 9th and 10th combined) that are equivalent to honors courses. so technically, I have 16 honors courses (8 classes from 9th, 8 classes from 10). Im an ib candidate and im gonna take 9 ib courses. i haven't taken the sat yet.

as for clubs and extracurriculars, i am vice president in model un and i have 2 short stories published in a childrens book. i also play the guitar as a hobby.

GW is my dream school and i want to know what I can do to help increase my chances of getting in. any suggestions?

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@cornellseeker2 years ago [edited]

Depends on your major, do something no one has done .mun and guitar are very common

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2 answers

2 years ago

I am a sophomore, but my sister was looking into GW so I may be able to help a bit.

I think as many extracurriculars as possible can help. I don't mean to go overboard and stress yourself out, but maybe join NHS, usually a Junior or Senior program. Colleges love community service, so don't be shy to do some of that, and not to mention some teachers take CS as extra credit.

I think that ACT scores have a big role in it too, and if you have a 30 composite or higher, you are pretty much set. Even if you have in the high 20s, it is still a great score.

You can improve this, because as sophomores ACT doesn't start until next year, taking practice ACTs on online programs and getting better at testing. My school offers a practice ACT freshman and sophomore year when the Juniors are taking the real one.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

The best thing to do is just make sure you join some extracurriculars, do community service, and take some challenging courses. You don't need to overload yourself though. My school doesn't use IB but 9 is probably a good amount. I took 5 AP classes and about the same number of dual enrollments, and I'm involved in a bunch of clubs, but nothing on the level of a model UN. I applied to GW with collegevine saying I had a 60-something percent chance. I'd say if you continue on the route youre on, you'll be fine, as long as your grades don't fall behind too much.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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