So far I have plans to participate in summer programs, research, found a club, and more, and still, my estimated acceptance rate for UT Austin is only 40% (29% on average). Is there anything else besides those strong extracurriculars, good SAT scores, 5s on AP exams, and maintaining a high GPA that I can do to increase this number?
I want to remind you that this chancing simulator is only a simulator and isn't totally accurate. After all, it's only taking account of your stats and extracurriculars, which are quantitative factors of admission. There are qualitative factors such as your personal statement essay, supplemental essay(s), a theme/spike in your application, interviews, rec letters, and how well you fit the school.
In the end, your goal isn't to raise the percentage on the simulator; it's to get in the school, and this simulator cannot calculate or simulate the qualitative aspects of your application. With all that being said, I've heard from reliable sources that if you already have good stats, build a theme in your application. You should be able to show your passion clearly, and demonstrate it even clearer in your essays.
If you are located in a Texas School, you can be automatically admitted if you are within a certain percentage of your class rank.
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