2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I change my major?

I'm in community college and was planning on transferring to Berkeley and then going to grad school for College Counseling. My counselor is pressuring me to change my major from media studies to psychology because there are a few psychology classes that are recommended preparation for grad school. This will make me take a year longer to transfer. Plus, I'm not passionate about psychology. I want to instead take those few psychology courses that would be expected and major in what I want. The problem is that legislation in California was passed that every student must be placed in an associate to transfer degree program unless they opt out. I said I wanted to opt out, but still was placed in the psychology associate to transfer degree program. Following this student education plan would mean I have to take classes I don't need to transfer for the major and grad school program I want.

Ugh. Should I just go with the flow and change my major? I mean, they already changed it for me on the computer. I was told I could seek a similar major instead, like sociology. Grrr. I don't really want a sociology associates either, though.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi! I'm a community college student applying for transfer as well. I would talk to a university representative at Berkeley. It could save you time and money to be be a Psychology major, but that's assuming you came into community college with that plan. Since you've already prepared for a Media Studies major, it may make more sense to continue with that plan. But do make sure to take those few psychology courses before transferring! You will much rather taking them when they are cheap community college courses than when you are at Berkeley. Plus, you will want to use your time at Berkeley to focus on classes for your major.

2 years ago

No, stick to what you like. If you don’t like something, you won’t succeed.

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