a year ago
Admissions Advice


Even though I have good marks, my EC profile is very low. My parents never supported me to do ECs and always wanted me to excel academically because in my country they only consider A/L z-score for university selection. But I want to try applying for a US university now. Currently I'm in high school 1st year and doing physical science stream which consists of combined mathematics, physics and chemistry. This stream and 3 subjects are considered to be the most difficult course and it's really hard to get an A. Because the no.of universities we have here is very small(only 6 universities for engineering), A/L exam is crazily competitive and my parents won't allow me to do any EC now other than concentrating on my ALs. Bcz I'm from a very poor country, I can't afford to attend a US university unless I get a financial aid and only ivy universities give need based financial aids. Selecting to one of them with my ECs is impossible.

ECs I have: I play violin(visharad) and piano(ABRSM gr.5) and in the music society of my school.

A not-so-active member of the Senior science society.

Have played table tennis and swimming as a hobby at school.

I plan to participate in physics and chemistry olympiad in next year but participation is not enough right?

Should I just forget about applying to a US university? It's impossible with the ECs I have right?

@sbb_16a year ago [edited]

Also, check out organizations like Questbridge. I haven't used them before but I've heard really good reviews. >> questbridge.com!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago


If you are planning to apply to the ivies, the ECs you currently have would not be competitive for the colleges. However, since you are still in your first year of Highschool you could build up your ECs very well in the upcoming 3 years.

If I'm correct, doing ECs that represent your school or country also give points to increase your Z-Score as well, and you could use it to persuade your parents to allow you to be more active.

Also there are quite a few need aware schools out there that provide 100% demonstrated need; which you could research on and apply to with relatively higher chances than that of the Ivies.

Best of Luck!

a year ago

I wouldn't be impossible to be accepted to a school - especially if the physical science team is prestigious. Many schools give need-based financial, not only ivy schools.

While this link is referring to students from Africa, the schools listed likely give need-based aid to international students from other continents, as well: https://africanscholars.yale.edu/resources/colleges-universities-give-financial-aid-and-scholarships-international-students/united

If you are still worried after taking a look, maybe try to become more involved in the science society and find a few small but impactful ways to boost your EC resume. (I'm also really impressed that you can play violin and piano! Don't think that you don't do that much.)

My best advice is to look at universities besides the Ivy Leagues before giving up on the US.

a year ago

Don't give up all because you are poor. I myself had faced a similar situation like yours. But, one thing was clear in my mind that no matter how many obstacles try to shatter my dreams I will never back off.




Try to excel in your extracurriculars further so that you come under the spotlight and you may get help and guidance from your teachers.

And one more thing, as you have still three years to graduate from high school, you can approach your school counselor or some teacher to help you with extracurriculars.

a year ago

Hi! I think something that could really help out is showing leadership. Ex: you can teach other kids violin as well as also playing it. If your school offers it you can TA (teachers assistant) for a violin class/orchestra. the same can go for science, table tennis, swimming, etc. Also, you can start up a table tennis club if your school doesn't currently offer one.

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