2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take AP Spanish or Honors high-level chorus?

Hello, I am trying to determine what courses to take next year and I cannot decide what my elective should be.

My schedule for next year is as follows:

AP Lit

AP Gov

AP Psych

AP AB Calculus

Honors Environmental Science


I have one more class, and I am trying to decide between AP Spanish or Honors-level chorus. I have been in chorus for over 10 years and I enjoy it, though I am not planning on studying music. I only moved up into honors Spanish this year, so I am not sure how successful I will be in AP Spanish, but I know that another AP will be beneficial since I've only taken 2 others (my school mostly limits them to senior year), and I'm trying for top schools. I also do not like Spanish and do 20-50 hours of extracurricular activity a week so I'm worried it will end badly. Which should I choose?


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Considering the things you mentioned, I would suggest not taking AP Spanish. Honestly, if you really don't like Spanish, AP Spanish will make you dislike it even more because this class is for students who want to be EXTREMELY fluent in the language and want to continue with it in college.

For example, you took chorus for 10 years and said that you really enjoyed it. I'd assume you did really well in that class. Likewise, hating a class that you're in will make it really hard to earn a good grade in that class no matter how hard you try. Another thing to consider is that AP Spanish takes a lot of dedication and this might not be possible with your current course load and the extracurriculars you want to do.

It's more beneficial to take the Honors class knowing you will do well in than to take an AP class, earn a low grade, and potentially destroy your GPA. This is especially important for an AP class since low AP grades will not look good on transcripts because colleges will see that you couldn't handle the rigor more than the fact that you took another AP class.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you, but take these things into consideration.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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