So, I'm kinda freaking out right now, because I realised (in my sophomore year) that my extracurriculars are weak. I've been doing dance in school for about 6 years, but I don't have any achievements in it, other than a national distinction award. (it was a group dance, and the distinction is given to many schools. It's not an exclusive award).
Other than that, I have nothing. I never continued anything I started.
This is what I'm planning to do:
- Join a sport and continue with it for the next 3 years
- Join MUN
- Do more community service
- Start a club (TBC)
I'm not really sure what else to do.
Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you.
(P.S. my gpa was 3.6 in freshman year, but I'm going to get it up to at least a 3.8-3.9 this year)
This CollegeVine blog post has some extracurricular ideas to inspire you. In general, you should try to do activities that involve leadership, relate to your major of interest, and make a real-world impact. Hope this helps!
You can try focusing on one community service activity for a long period of time (something to do with your interests or major). Dance tutoring. Enter more dance competitions and events. Start a dance social media account to showcase your skills. Try to join 2-3 clubs and gain leadership positions in them. I think MUN has some pretty good leadership positions too.
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