a year ago
Admissions Advice



Do all schools/admission counselors have the ability to make connections with a student on here?

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@Kaelyn_Phillipsa year ago

Yes. If the counselor is listed on here they have the ability to connect however they may message you to inform you that they prefer other methods of communication.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@MMechler06a year ago

Thank you for answering me. Just t clarify, does a school/counselor have to be listed on here to make a connection? I see some have the make a connection button, but others do not. For example, University of Miami does not have it listed, does that mean I am not able to make a connection on here with them? Thank you in advance, I am just beginning my process on here and want to be sure I know all the in's and out's.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@MMechler06a year ago

Follow up question...How do I find schools on here that have the make a connection ability? Is there a way to search that? I have made a list of schools and only three have the ability. Im wondering if my list is lacking in some way. Thanks!

@Kaelyn_Phillipsa year ago

Hi! So yes that’s correct. If they do not have the make a connection button then their counselor isn’t on here HOWEVER if you’d still like to connect, then typically you can navigate to their website, find the admissions page, and then send them an email. No, there isn’t a way to filter those who can make a connection. Frustrating I know. I do recommend having a real broad list of schools though, because a lot of them will have the connections button and it just helps get your name out there.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Yes, they will send requests to connect with you and you can accept their connections. You can also add colleges to your list to show your interest. Once you accept the connection you can message the counselor and ask about the requirements, majors, ect...

Hope this helps!

a year ago[edited]

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