2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is there a major in forensics at this college?

I'm currently a high-school freshman curious about what colleges I'm going to look into.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Hi! Welcome to CollegeVine.

I’m not sure which college you are looking at specifically, but I know that some great universities offer a forensics major. According to CollegeVine senior blogger Laura Berlinsky-Schine, the forensic science program at Penn State fosters inter-college cooperation between various academic units since it offers a foundation in fields like the biological, physical, and mathematical sciences as well as subjects in criminalistics, forensic chemistry, forensic biology, crime scene investigation, and social sciences. She lists out many other colleges—where their forensics programs are noteworthy in her article, “The Best 16 Colleges for Forensic Science.”

Here is the link to that article: https://blog.collegevine.com/best-colleges-for-forensic-science/.

Here is another resource you can peruse to find colleges that offer forensic sciences programs: https://www.collegetransitions.com/dataverse/top-colleges-forensic-science.

Generally, you can find out if a specific college offers a specific major simply by inputting the following keywords in your search bar: “[college name] undergraduate [major name].” You can also check CollegeVine’s awesome “Explore Colleges” tab (which you can find here https://www.collegevine.com/schools/hub/all) and choose the “Forensic Science and Technology” filter, which will allow you to explore several schools.

Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day!

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