2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How is the University of Oregon like?

I was wondering what University of Oregon is like especially as a freshman.

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2 years ago

The University of Oregon is a large campus tucked right downtown in the city of Eugene (182,000 population and 23,000 of them attend Uof0). It's a relatively green and flat area so you can walk to shops and restaurants and other services really easily. It's not as hipster as Portland but definitely, a better town to live in than Corvallis, OR. (Oregon State). There is something for everyone there. If you are super nerdy, you can apply to the Honors College and hang with your peeps. If you are more athletic, there are tons of sporty people (Track Town USA), and if you are more into the social scene you can join Greek life which is thriving at UofO (many fashionable young people). It's a research university there are good Grad Schools on campus so access to research is very good. The downside is that you can't fly non-stop in Eugene from many places since it's more of a regional airport. So if you are coming from LA, CHI, NYC, you have take extra legs on your trip which is a hassle during breaks. Oregon is not a very diverse place like other big states. It's like 81% white, 10% LatinA, 4% Asian, and 1.5% Black in Eugene Oregon with the rest Mixed. And of the 23,000 students, only about 5% are international so around 1300. So if you are a people person and enjoy meeting people from all over the world it might not happen. I would say the food is pretty good around town and Oregon is known for its food trucks and fusion interpretation of ethnic cuisine. But Eugene is not on my playlist if you want great Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Tapas, etc. Compared to SF, LA, NYC, I give it a 4 out of 10. If you are older, there are lots of local Beer pubs. If you are easygoing and find making friends second nature you might be happy around UofO. Colleges that have a similar vibe are the University of Washingon, SMU, ASU, UofArizona, Syracuse, American, Florida State.

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