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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What impact do pre-college summer programs have on college application?


I have a child who is a Junior. Trying to see if taking a pre-college summer program would enhance the college application.

The summer program (computational biology) is in line to the major (BioTechnology / BioInformatics) that is being thought of at this moment.

Thanks in advance.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Pre-college summer programs can have a positive impact on college applications in several ways. Firstly, attending a pre-college summer program can demonstrate to college admissions officers that the student is committed to their education and has a genuine interest in the subject area. This can help to set the student apart from other applicants and make them a more attractive candidate.

Secondly, pre-college summer programs can provide students with valuable learning experiences that can be used to enhance their college applications. For example, a summer program in a specific subject area can demonstrate to admissions officers that the student has a strong foundation in that subject and is prepared to tackle more advanced coursework at the college level.

In addition, pre-college summer programs can also provide students with opportunities to build their leadership skills, engage in community service, or participate in research projects. These experiences can help to showcase the student's interests and strengths and can be highlighted in their college application.

Overall, pre-college summer programs can help students to stand out in a competitive college admissions process and demonstrate their commitment to learning and personal growth.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Pre-college summer programs are a great way for your child to improve their college application, especially if they relate to your child's major of interest. Programs that are highly competitive and offer scholarships are the most impressive to colleges. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Taking a pre-college would definitely enhance the college application. Colleges like to see that you are using the resources available to you and that you are learning more about your interest.

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