I didn’t realize how this program worked and I don’t know if my post went through, so I may have questioned this twice by mistake.
I’m a sophomore in high school and involved in only one extracurricular, which is my school’s French club. I am aware that college require much more than one and most likely of competitive value, however I am having trouble finding things that I would like to do without making me miserable.
I’m not an athletic or artistic person by nature, this includes anything with drama. I enjoy reading and writing the best, and spend a fair chunk of my spare time to these activities. I also enjoy photography. I was thinking of applying to volunteer at my local library or my regional aquarium. I know that I need to start these activities before the end of my sophomore year.
Any help is immensely appreciated!!
I volunteer at my local library, and that's a great way to get volunteer hours and potential leadership experiences. My local library has a club for high schoolers to volunteer within the library, and plan community events for library patrons. You could always look into starting//joining something like that at your local library with a few friends or classmates. Whenever I put it down on job applications or scholarships, I always get questions about it, and it's a really nice way to give back within the community.
Wishing you nothing but the best!
Hey, I'm a freshman in high school but I recommend speaking with a counselor or going on your school's website to see what clubs and activities they offer. If you don't see something that inclines to your specific interests there's a possibility you could start a new club and that serves as an even greater achievement than just being a part of a club. That's my recommendation so whether you try it out or not, I wish you the best of luck!
I love reading and writing too! A “club” you can join if you like reading and writing is your school newspaper, if you have one. You can also submit pieces of fiction, non-fiction, and poems to many literary magazines online. Not to mention, you could start your own blog and be sure to post everyday. For photography, you could join yearbook or start a photography interest club. Maybe submit your photos into contests.
That's completely fair, but one thing you can do is start your own club! For example, you said you're interested in reading and writing- you can start a reading/writing club. Founding a club will look extremely good for colleges because it shows you have drive and will create opportunities for yourself. Also, you feel really proud of yourself for starting something from the ground up. If you can't find extracurriculars that don't interest you, just make your own that will!
Being sporty and artistic is far from a requirement to get into college - in fact, doing different activities will help you stand out! Any activity that teaches you something or makes a positive impact will work. Try to do a wide variety of activities, with a few that relate to your major of interest.
Volunteering at the library and regional aquarium are great options. You can also do activities at home, start your own club at school, or get inspired by these extracurricular ideas.
Hope this helps!
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