I'm going to be a senior next year, and I want to major in business, specifically an area related to marketing and international business. I'm not sure if I should take Calculus AB or AP Statistics.
I'm currently in pre calc (math analysis) right now, and my school offers honors for pre calc but I didn't take it because I felt like it was going to be too hard for me as our courses are taught at a pretty fast pace. It's already second semester but I feel like everything I've learned in math analysis has been review from Algebra 2 honors so far, therefore I haven't learned anything new. I don't know if I'll have enough foundations to take Calculus AB, but it seems to be really important in college.
Thank you in advance!
AP Stats is more important for business and especially marketing majors. Statistics concepts are used in nearly every role in the business world, whereas the same cannot be said for calculus. AP Stats will allow you to develop your spike, and it is more likely to be a boost to your GPA than AP Calc.
You are correct to be concerned about course rigor. While earning a good grade in AP Calc will be seen as more impressive by colleges than taking AP Stats, this small admissions benefit is not worth those midnight struggles with AP Calc homework unless you want to major in STEM. Doing well in AP Stats and a few AP science classes will give you all the rigor and well-roundedness you need in your course load.
Hope this helps!
As a business major you are not going to use any Calculus unless you are a finance major and taking a junior/senior level class in financial derivatives like options/futures/other instruments. Statistics will come in handy for most other business majors. Hopefully, if you do really well and get a 4 or 5 on the AP exam, you can place out of one of the core Stats classes. In addition, taking Stats is generally much easier than Calculus. If you are a super smart student with a 4.0 and high SAT/ACT already, then you might want to consider taking both courses. Otherwise, I would pick Stats over Calculus as an intended business major. Good luck.
Take AP Stats but both if your schedule allows for it.
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Thank you so much! I'm currently taking AP Biology now and I'm getting a B, but I have taken Biology and Chemistry Honors and both passed with an A in freshmen and sophomore year. I don't think I'll be taking another science in senior year though, so I'm not sure if only one AP science class is enough.