Help!!! I'm trying to get into some really competitive schools and so far my chances are decent but I really need to get some targeted ECs to make up from what's lacking in my stats (my SAT score). I have a bunch of really good, quality ECs already, but want something focused toward my major/pathway: psychology/neuroscience/pre-med track. I spoke to an advisor about my application and since I've self-published a book before he suggested doing some sort of scientific, neuroscience-focused blog. I can start that, but I'm just worried it won't look good if it doesn't get popular. Any other ideas would be really appreciated!!! I doubt I have time to do solid, mentored research but I am casually doing some by myself. I also don't have a lot of money to spend. Thank you!
(list of colleges I'm applying for from most likely to least likely to be accepted: GWU, Vtech, W&M, URichmond, UVA, BostonU, Georgetown, Dartmouth, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Brown)
Ooo thank you, I'll look into those!
If your looking for a good ec that is psych/neuro-related, I would recommend checking out Simply Neuroscience (a student-led non-profit org) here's the website:
Thank you!
This CollegeVine blog post lists some activity ideas. Your self-published book and independent research already will go a long way to demonstrate your spike in psychology. Keep up the good work, and hope this helps!
To keep this community safe and supportive:
You should add Washington and Lee, Davidson, and Wake Forest to your list. These seem like schools similar to those you're already applying to.