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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do you think Vassar is in my realm of possiblities? Also, recommendations for similar schools are greatly appreciated!

Hi! I am currently a junior and high school, and when I took a tour of vassar college last year I immediately knew it was for me. I want to go to Vassar for either a degree in psychology or in the arts. I truly envision myself there... and I'm terrified I won't get into my dream school.

~I've made all As thoughout high school, so I have at least a 4.0 gpa? I'm not sure about the weighting.

~I've taken 3 ap classes so far and I scored a 5 on my AP Art History exam. I'm currently in the middle of the other 2. I plan on taking 4 aps next year. That will be 7 ap classes total.

~I got a 28 on my ACT composite but a 10 on the writing score. I plan to retake for a higher composite.

~I haven't taken the SAT, yet.

~I did swim my first two years of high school and earned multiple awards and lettered. I stopped and now I am a member in multiple clubs, secretary of a volunteer group, and I'm in NHS. I also had a summer job.

~I am a strong artist and got accepted into a week-long, region-wide art program earlier this school year

~I am currently living overseas as a military dependent, so we don't always have many resources or classes available.

I know this information is only a few sentences, and it doesn't give the depth of who I am, but I'm still curious if this academic profile meets the expectations for Vassar. Especially if I apply test optional.

Some other schools I'm considering are Connecticut college, Bard college, and Wesleyan University. The safeties I've chosen are Saint Mary's College of Maryland and Drew University. Any advice on similar schools, especially reaches or matches would also be super helpful to me.

Thank you so much to anyone who replies!!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

I think that you have a real chance of getting into Vassar, especially if you can boost your ACT score to at least a 32 and write stellar essays. You could still get in by applying test-optional, though the boost that you could get from submitting a high test score is worth striving for. Make sure to explain how your military family background impacted your education as well - you can do this directly in the Additional Information section or more indirectly through your personal statement.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hi, getting a high ACT/SAT score will improve your chances. Try taking an SAT practice test as soon as possible to see if that format is better for you. If you get more than 1350, then I would stick with the SAT since the math section is easier in general. There is more math but it's easier math and fewer questions per minute than the ACT which is faster paced. You want your ACT/SAT score like 33/1470 which is right in the middle of the 50% range. Besides buying the Official ACT and Official SAT study guides, for ACT improvement, I used SuperTutorTV online course and improved to a 35. And the book for the "love of ACT science" by Michael Cerro. For SAT, I recommend Khan Academy, and the following books: all the college Panda series for Math and EBRW, Dr.Chungs Math questions, and Erica Meltzer, the Critical Reader. The key is to work on this every day even for 30 minutes.

I'm not sure about your other schools. CC is isolating and the only thing going for the school is the nature reserve with like 800 acres. There is a Coast Guard academy nearby and a cute town but you are too far to hang out in NYC or Boston. I think Trinity College is a better school with more art, culture, and access to restaurants. And you can fly in and out of Hartford really easily.

Bard College is in the middle of nowhere with 1500 people in Annandale on the Hudson. Again, hard to get there and get out. Very little culture and diversity. And Wesleyan is sort of located in a weird spot. There is a really bad neighborhood you have to walk through to get downtown and it gave me bad vibes. I think the campus is missing something architecturally whereas Vassar is gorgeous.

I recommend you check out these other schools because they are almost as nice as Vassar. Hamilton College, Colgate University, Wake Forest University, Mount Holyoke College, Bryn Mawr College, Bates College, Kenyon College, Scripps College, University Of Richmond, Union College, Rhodes College, University of Washington, and Lewis & Clark.

Good luck.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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