2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Multiple Rec Letters?

Hi everyone, 

I'm currently a freshman applying to some summer programs, and one of them that I am applying to requires a recommendation letter. So I have already brought it up with my bio teacher and my counselor, but I'm not sure who I should get to write it. I was thinking of having them both write one and then pick one to submit, but the program I am applying to is asking for one recommender that they will later email for the letter. There are pros and cons to both people, so I'm not sure who to pick. 

Bio teacher: I have a pretty good relationship with him, but he has a good relationship with a lot of kids, so a lot of them have been asking for recommendation letters. He also once mentioned that he waits until the last minute to write those letters and has even submitted one late, which is concerning. 

Counselor: I don't know her very well; I've met with her twice, but I think she likes me. When I asked if she would be willing to write a letter for me, she said something along the lines of, "Yes, of course. Just fill out this brag sheet so I can write more great things about you on top of what I already know." so maybe she thinks I could be a great candidate. (she might also say that to everybody) But she is also pretty busy.

So I'm not sure who I should pick. What do you all think?


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi! Do you have any other teachers or authority figures you could ask? They might be able to provide a better letter for this application. If not, there are pros and cons for both of the people you have listed above.

The biology teacher's letter will likely be much more personal, and that can appeal to certain programs. However, whoever evaluates the essay will likely notice that the writing is hurried or unprofessional. Even worse, a late letter could signal that you, not the teacher, are inefficient.

The counselor's letter is likely to be very professional and show your strengths very well. Although it will be impersonal to an extent, the "brag sheet" should allow your counselor to adequately portray your skills.

Your counselor's letter is probably better-written and shows how great you are. Good luck with the summer programs!

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