a year ago
Admissions Advice

Do You Guys Have sports like Football or basketball? I want to attend your college but I want to Go D1

I’m In 9th grade Right now and looking for a college Early! do u guys have sports ? I want to play football and or basketball if possible please get in contact w me

Thank You,

Leonard C. Crawford

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2 answers

a year ago[edited]


First: CollegeVine is not a site to ask advertise colleges/ask colleges personal questions. This is a forum to ask questions about the admissions process, courses to take in high school ect.. If you want to ask a college this question, please email them directly through their undergraduate admissions email address on the specific college's website.

Second: Please don't write emails like this. It's very unprofessional and even though people say they don't go off of first impressions, they still do. Do not make every single word start with an uppercase letter, DO NOT use slang, and do not use "guys". Also, try to introduce who you are, other than the fact that you're in 9th grade. In your case, tell them the school you go to currently, the sport you currently play/level among other things.

Third : Colleges are professional institutions, so please keep this in mind when you write emails next time. Also, for any future emails you write, whether it be to a teacher, admissions counselor, future job, ANYONE, keep the level of professionalism in mind and regard them with respect even if you've never met them before. I'm not saying to "butter them up", but everyone deserves a bit of respect.

I apologize if this was a bit blunt, but emails/writings such as this will often keep people from getting things that they otherwise might have deserved. There's a bit of truth when people say that your personality can show through based on how and what you write.

Even if it's not an email specifically(it might be a resume, essay, application, anything), I encourage you to maintain a level of professionalism, and it doesn't have to include big words, cheesy paragraphs, or big fancy sentences. Just regard the receiver with respect, be to the point while making sure you said everything that was necessary, don't use slang, make sure your grammar is correct, and be sure to thank the college(or anyone) if/when they send a response.

I hope this helps

a year ago[edited]

As @MelonCookie stated, CollegeVine isn't a college. However, to answer your question there are many colleges that have basketball and football in D1.

(there are a lot more colleges that also offer what you're looking for here's a link to two websites that'll help: https://www.ncsasports.org/mens-basketball/division-1-colleges. AND https://www.ncsasports.org/football/division-1-colleges)

Here's a list of colleges with basketball and football in the D1 category.

Furman University- Greenville, South Carolina

George Mason University- Fairfax, Virginia

George Washington University- Washington, District Of Columbia

Georgetown University- Washington, District Of Columbia

Georgia Southern University- Georgia State University

Georgia Tech- Atlanta, Georgia

Grambling State University- Grambling, Louisiana

Grand Canyon University- Phoenix, Arizona

Hampton University- Hampton, Virginia

Harvard University- Cambridge, Massachusetts

High Point University-High Point, North Carolina

Hofstra University- Hempstead, New York

Houston Baptist University- Houston, Texas

Howard University- Washington, District Of Columbia

Illinois State University- Normal, Illinois

Indiana University- Bloomington, Indiana

Indiana University-Purdue University – Indianapolis (IUPUI)

Indianapolis, Indiana

Iona College- New Rochelle, New York

Iowa State University- Ames, Iowa

Jackson State University- Jackson, Mississippi

Jacksonville State University- Jacksonville, Alabama

Jacksonville University- Jacksonville, Florida

James Madison University-Harrisonburg, Virginia

Kansas State University- Manhattan, Kansas

Kennesaw State University- Kennesaw, Georgia

Kent State University- Kent, Ohio

La Salle University- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Lafayette College- Easton, Pennsylvania

Lamar University- Beaumont, Texas

Lehigh University- Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Liberty University- Lynchburg, Virginia

Lindenwood University- Saint Charles, Missouri

Lipscomb University- Nashville, Tennessee

Long Island University- Long Island, New York

Longwood University- Farmville, Virginia

Louisiana State University (LSU)- Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Louisiana Tech University- Ruston, Louisiana

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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