4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What is out there for mathematics opportunities during COVID?

I'm going to turn 16 in August and start my junior year. I want to go into the math/engineering field, but I just can't find any opportunities to back up what I want to do outside of online classes. I was going to form a math club at my school this year, but that kinda went down the drain now. Are there any organizations, competitions (on or offline), or people I can generally talk to? I am "tutoring" some people, but it's nothing major. I really want to find out if it's right for me. Thanks :)

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2 answers

4 years ago

So depending on engineering field and just about any math field you can start a blog about wierd phenomenons in the field. You might be able to sign up as a tutor and get paid for that. Also my school district has committed to opening up so you might still get the opportunity (were in a major metro area in Midwest USA). Also especially in math if you do not have a stellar math EC it wouldn’t be held against you same for most engineering fields. Also my school has a sort of trivia club that has math elements and might be worth a look.

Hope this helps and comment if you need clarification.

3 years ago

Hello. I'm not sure if this will be relevant for you, but here is an interesting resource with math online for children https://www.monstereducation.com/. There are also other subjects there, so you can see, I personally liked the public speaking course for children.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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