I had taken French 3 prior to high school
grade 7 - French1 ; Grade 8 - French 2 ; Grade 8 summer French 3.
Is this enough for colleges ?
Also going off of what @CircusCraz said, colleges will make you take an "entrance exam" to test your proficiency in the language. This test will determine whether you totally place out of the classes or if you need to take more classes to become proficient. You should definitely ask the colleges you are interested in to check their requirements, as they will vary from college to college.
From what I have heard maybe. You may need one more or possibly take some in school. It depends on what requirements your college of choice has. I recommend reaching out to college of choice and asking. If you don't have an idea what college you want to go for you should ask someone that is affiliated with a college.
It really depends on the type of college you want to attend. If you want to get into a top tier college such as an ivy, you should take at least 3 years of French in High School. Also, I know at some High Schools like mine, they require you to take a minimum of 2 years of foreign language to graduate. But in the end, it comes to what your interests and passions are! If you really detest French, you shouldn't take it. But if you find it bearable/enjoyable, you should definitely continue to take it. Taking a foreign language class will help build your application and make you a more qualified candidate not only for college, but for future jobs!
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